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About Me

Guess I should write something interesting about myself here.

Might need ChatGPT for this one

I’m a UK-based team of one. Experienced WordPress web developer, consistently delivering high-quality work within specified timelines.

Whether you need custom websites, plugin development, API integration, or migration services, two decades of experience and expertise ensures top-notch solutions for your WordPress online presence.

Born back in what the Gen Z’s would consider the dark ages in 1971, I’m born and bred Exonian, apart from a three year stint in Northern Ireland but let’s move on before I curl up in the fetal position and start getting all emotional like.

I jumped onto the internet band wagon way, way back in 1995 and I was curious how web pages were created, so shortly after I started learning how to write them.

Over time I learnt more and more technologies like databases, scripting languages, API’s, UX, UI and all those thousands of other acronyms that sound cool but are rather mundane.

I didn’t plan on learning server and site administration, I was more forced into as no one else wanted to, and I have a cavalier attitude. Don’t know what that button does?  Let’s see. Rule #1, always have a plan to roll back a change.

I got into WordPress purely by chance, seemed an easier method to use a CMS that I didn’t write. I played around with it, learnt how to do themes, plugins and code. I’ve always had a blog but not much to say so it was never popular. I was pleased when I got a Google notification saying five people have visited your site. A highlight.

Since I’ve been programming in all manor of languages since 1983, writing games, applications, web sites and mobile apps, I’ve an immense knowledge base to fall back and I’ve used that to knowledge to focus on fixing problems.

I love a puzzle and computers are purely logical machines, so finding the error or glitch intrigues me and I’m like a dog with a bone when I get a good issue that doesn’t trigger and immediate idea of the cause.

To show how sad and tragic my life is, I’ve gone to bed with a puzzle and written the code to fix the issue in my head when I sleep, and by 9:01am the next day, the issue has been fixed.

Other than coding/programming, I’ve struggled with hobbies, but I enjoy photography, reading and audiobooks. I don’t have many other hobbies. I love gaming online, playing against people around the world. I love photography and the history of Exeter. I enjoy reading and my ebook reader collection is up to the thousands now, will finish them one day 🙂

WordPress maintenance :

  • Server Migrations
  • Content Updates
  • Import/Export of data

WordPress plugins I’m familiar with :

WordPress themes I’m more than used to extending :

WordPress internals I’ve used :

  • Shortcodes
  • Hooks
  • Filters
  • Custom Themes
  • Custom Plugins
  • Gutenberg blocks
  • WP Bakery elements
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